Saturday, 15 November 2008
My new blog page All in the Game
the page is called All in the Game
I intend to put more work into this. With this page I've tried to grab the best news and gossip from other pages and put them all in one place this time however i will be writing alot of new stuff and really giving my own insight into what's going on in this crazy world.
Remember the game is out there and it's either play or get played
Peace y'all
and don't forget it's All in the Game
Friday, 7 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
It's time to stop jockin Jay-Z!!
Jay-Z ...
Guardian Article
Alan Yentob's Imagine examination of his phenomenon was unrestrained.
In the opening 30 seconds of Alan Yentob's Imagine examination of the Jay-Z phenomenon, the rap mega-mogul informs a concert crowd that, "I'm pretty fucking awesome." Had Yentob then interjected with a heartfelt agreement, or held up a big banner saying, "Yes, Jay-Z, you really, really are", then he would have saved us all a lot of time indeed.
Imagine is a programme that appreciates modern cultural phenomena, so it's understandable that there is a certain amount of, well, appreciating being done. But you can love your subject too much - and Yentob's utterly head over heels. The idea that Jay-Z is "the best in the business" is open to debate, but the assertion that Reasonable Doubt is "recognised as one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever" is straight-up bull fritters.
Apart from a pointless segment in which Yentob and Z stroll around the Serpentine Gallery together - the rapper at one point revealing his ownership of an original "Damon Hirst" - there's a whiff of restricted access about the whole venture. Indeed, in what should have been the most affecting sequence of the whole programme, in which Yentob is driven around the Marcy housing projects where the rapper grew up, Z can't actually be bothered to show up to give the guided tour and sends an underling instead. Which is factually fine, but it would have had more of an impact if it had come from the horse's mouth, not the horse's mate.
More worryingly, there's the distinct feeling that the rapper had some input in what got discussed and what got ixnayed. His youth is touched upon with alarming brevity, and we get to hear nothing about his formative years spent as a drug dealer; years which, one would argue, are pretty flaming important in the story of his life. Even more shamefully, there's next to no mention made of the 1999 incident in which Z stabbed record company executive Lance "Un" Rivera, beyond an unforgiveably trite observation that the incident made Z realise it was time to sort his life out. Rivera would doubtless be heart-warmed by his role in this Damascene moment.
Still, what we are treated to is interminable gushing guff from both the rapper and his producer about how he treats his voice as an instrument, about the way in which Z uses vowel sounds to function like musical notes; who knew that the words of such hits as 99 Problems, Girls, Girls, Girls and Big Pimpin' had such craft? Even worse, P Diddy is allowed to talk earnestly about how the pair of them are picking up the baton from originators like Afrika Bambaataa, a statement which, at least in the case of the man saying it, should be accompanied by a laughter track.
The best stuff comes when Yentob sits Z on a chair and gets him talking about things like writing rhymes too small to read in case somebody stole them. For the most part, though, he just seems distracted, Yentob's presence a minor irritation. Which, when you're Jay-Z and you've got bigger fish to fry, it probably was.
• Imagine, Tue 28, 10.35pm, BBC1
Sunday, 26 October 2008
BET Ciphers 2008
Round 1: Hurricane Chris, Knaan, Bun B & Q-Tip
Round 2: Willy Northpole, Hime, Blaq Poet & Cory Gunz
Round 3: Ace Hood, Juelz, Fabolous & Jadakiss
so here's the ciphers from the BET awards this year. Bit of a weird mix of emcees but it's still dope. Corey Gunz was a beast as usual but this year Jadakiss took it hands down with Fab coming a close second. Hurricane Chris was terrible Bun B looked like the only one who was really going off the dome as he makes a few mistakes but it's still decent
favourite punchline: cause everybody coming in the year is failing ask why and they just play Sarah Palin - Fabolous
The Money and The Power
here's a trailer for 50 Cent's new reality show. Ah well guess when you can't sell anymore G Unit albums you have to find something else
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Hopkins beats Pavlik in 12th round decision
damn son my man Bernard came out swinging from the get-go. Mad props to Freeway for coming down to the ring with him aswell that was big. Pavlik got his arse handed to him not quite sure what went wrong with him. I dunno maybe he just underestimated how hard and quick Bernard can still hit at 43 but whatever it was he never got in the fight and there were quite a few occasions were i thought Hopkins might knock him out.
it was about 5am went the fight finally came on but to be honest by that stage I was too amped to sleep anyway. Big win for Hopkins can't wait for Calzage v Roy Jones Jr in Nov it's gonna be sick!!
Saturday, 18 October 2008
MOBO's is a pile of shit!!!
so it's 12:55am and just under 2 hours till the benard hopkins fight and im watching the crock of shit that is the 2008 MOBO awards. I could go real deep on how bad this shit is but quite frankly im too buzzin yet somehow i still felt the need to explain to anyone who was fortunate enough not to see it how fuckin dull it was. Just a few things i want to get off my chest
1. When i saw Mel B in that tight pink shit see was wearing the expression you can't polish a turd came to mind
2. I really hate Estelle
3. Sugababes are the most average bitches i ever saw hold a mic
4. It's like they couldn't book enough artists to fill out the show Sugababes performed twice and so did John Legend what the fuck?
5. The bitch from the Supremes gettin dragged onto the stage to perform stop in the name of love to love with the Sugababes was so bad words can't describe it
6. Craig David's rap was cringe worthy
7. Jay Sean announcing he's signed to Cash Money Records. Do they know what they have got themselves in for he can't sell records in this country let alone anywhere else.
8. Mary Wilson dat was the bitch's name.
9. Noel Clark being hailed as some influential director was a terrible slur on anyone who can actually write a proper script.
fuck it dats all i can manage for now. it's 1:20 now. Hopkins fight not long from arrival stay strong man for god's sake.
I'm just astonished that the MOBO's can get worse each year but somehow they manage to do it.
just watch this clip of Craig David trying to rap and tell me im wrong
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Sunday, 5 October 2008
We gettin Arab money!! lol
Tim Westwood and Busta crack me up in this clip. Busta shows Tim the "Arab Money" dance funny shit
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Sunday, 31 August 2008
eLZhi Recounts Classics From His Catalog
my boy gave me a copy of some hard to find Elzhi shit the other day and low and below what do i find floating around on but this shit.
Look out for his debut album "The Preface" coming out real soon
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Top 12 Most Anticipated Albums for 4th Qtr '08
Top 12 Most Anticipated Albums for 4th Qtr ‘08
good post from kevin nottingham's blog page click the link above to the full version. includes tracklistings
12. Blessed - Busta Rhymes
11. D.I.R.T - Heltah Skeltah
10. Politics as Usual - Termanology
9. Main Source - Large Pro
8. Invincible Summer - Common
7. Murs for President - Murs
6. L.A.X - Game
5. Rapper's Delight - Big Pooh
4. Detox - Dr. Dre
3. The Renaissance - Q-Tip
2. Leave it all Behind - Phonte
1. Blueprint 3 - Jay-Z
Monday, 18 August 2008
An Open Letter to MF DOOM by Kno
Dear Daniel Dumile a.k.a. MF Doom a.k.a. Zev Love X a.k.a. King Geedorah a.k.a. Metal Fingers a.k.a. Viktor Vaughn a.k.a. Ducktor Doom a.k.a. Victor von Doom a.k.a. Mr. Soft Taco a.k.a. Mr. 78’ Cutlass a.k.a. “That Guy Who Enjoys Fingerpainting.”
I’m writing this as a concerned artist, business-owner and generally even-keeled loather of all things douche-like.
It came to my attention in late 2007 that you pulled a series of no-shows and Super Dave-esque stunt double lip-syncing fiascos in Pomona, San Diego, San Francisco, Rock The Bells in San Bernardino and then in Atlanta. The latter saw the crowd throwing beer at your body double, who subsequently exited the stage only to steal all the merch money and door receipts, insuring noone would be granted a refund for your clone’s piss-poor Milli Vanilli routine. Classy.
The whole thing was shrug-inducing because I’m not a huge fan of your body of work, so pardon my inability to completely connect with the disdain of someone paying $25 dollars to see a slightly rotund, middle aged man in a dirty Gladiator mask stand around onstage and talk into a microphone only to be duped into watching a presumably younger, slightly-less rotund man in a dirty Gladiator mask stand around onstage and pretend to talk into a microphone. As the old folks say, “buyer beware”.
It was shrug-inducing, that is, until someone passed me a link to a discussion in which a talent buyer for a well-known Cali venue clearly states;
“...needless to say, hiphop will not be taking place at the venue again (we will still book alternative artists like sage, atmosphere, subtle, all through legit agencies that we regularly do business with).”
Ok, now wait a minute.
You pissing on your most dedicated fans by cheating them out of their hard-earned cash, while being completely foul, was ultimately no business of mine. At worst it might create a small conundrum for Doom fans torn between investing money in your possibly fraudulent live show or using that loot to re-up on another sack of Northern Lights kush. Not a tough call, I’d assume.
But on the flipside, seeing talent buyers publically saying they’ll only book “alternative artists” like Sage and Atmosphere (Holy awkward racial undertones, Batman) in the future because of your method of handling business? Now I have an issue.
See, people don’t buy much music anymore. Touring is what allows artists who aren’t supervillainous children of Latverian gypsies bent on world domination to meet our fans, fuel our art and put money into our projects and pockets. As part of an “indie” act that operates in the same ever-narrowing circles as you, I can definitely say the ability to book proper gigs with reputable promoters and venue operators is becoming more and more scarce by the month, especially with the poor reputation live hip-hop has for professionalism and punctuality as well as the economic woes of many venues and agencies. The recession is a sumbitch.
So, if any artist pisses off these promoters, fans or venue owners then ultimately they are fucking with my money.
I thought about discussing this last fall, but I decided against it in an attempt to stay away from negative energy. Fast-forward to August 9th 2008, and apparently “you” (I use the term loosely at this point) were at it again, having been re-booked at Rock The Bells in San Bernardino (How does that even happen?) and subsequently getting booed. Again.
Now, surely there is some type of explanation for all of this. Although it isn’t an excuse to be deceptive, some said you were dangerously ill. Personal health is no joke. Your label denied it, though, and continued pushing your tour dates and new remixes of your old product. Some people, like the only man to ever lie to our fans about our involvement in a live show just to sell tickets, one Mr. Jason Swartz (who also happens to be your booking agent) claimed in the Village Voice that this fuckery was a breath of fresh air and “just [your] style”. Yes, the same Mr. Swartz that intentionally misled our fans, the local promoters and operators of The Fox Theatre in Boulder back in 2005 in order to put a couple extra dollars in his pocket. Hmm, sounds familiar.
But I digress. Maybe you had a string of family emergencies. Maybe you developed consistent, unshakable Traveler’s Diarrhea. Maybe you were fed up with curly-haired, New Era-wearing snowboarders asking you to sign their $300 Doom SB Dunks. Maybe you simply got tired of the smell inside of that mask. Who knows.
Yeah, you’re the “villain” or whatever gimmick you use to sell records. I’ve even seen a couple people calling this fiasco “brilliant”. Oh, the sweet Rap Snack™-flavored irony of anti-mainstream types letting this slide by deeming it “genius marketing”. Genius marketing? Beanie Babies, Hannah Montana, Girls Gone Wild. Those are examples of genius marketing. This looks like a lazy or medically incapacitated individual duping his most dedicated fans repeatedly to the tune of a few thousand dollars while those that also stand to profit (read: labels, friends and booking agents) scuttle around attempting to make excuses for him before the loot dries up.
Whatever the case may be, I implore you and anyone involved in this to stop screwing your fans and your peers and get your ducks in a row. Don’t make me throw on some blue stretch leotards and put out a solo record.
Your Friend In Jesus,
Kno of CunninLynguists
Friday, 15 August 2008
You Spanish Bastards!
i suppose they thought this was funny
taken from The Guardian Newspaper:
Spain's Basketball Federation has published a good luck advert for their men's team, the world champions, in which they stand pulling at the sides of their eyes in a slit-eyed gesture.
There is no obvious intention to upset their Olympic hosts in Beijing, but the irresponsible picture is likely to cause controversy and could be interpreted so as to lead to accusations of racism.
Spanish sport has been mired in rows over racism in the last few years. In November 2004 black English footballers were subjected to relentless racial barracking from home supporters in a match in Spain. Before the World Cup there were calls for Luis Aragones, then Spain's football coach, to be sacked after he called Thierry Henry a "black shit". And last year Lewis Hamilton suffered racist abuse during testing for the Spanish grand prix near Barcelona.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Fake MF DOOM @ Rock the Bells ??
yo what the fuck is up with this? we haven't heard an album from this guy in like 3 years an on top of that he gets an imposter to pretend it's him at shows. If DOOM is behind this then he's a true scumbag. But i really can't see why he would do that. And who's booking the fake DOOM anyway especially since DOOM (the real one i mean) has performed at Rock the Bells before so surely they should know who his manager is and shit.
that shit is fucked up
Sunday, 10 August 2008
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Heltah Skeltah - D.I.R.T. (Da Incredible Rap Team) Artwork + Tracklisting
1.) Intro
2.) Insane (Produced by Marco Polo)
3.) Chipmunk 3000 (Produced by Fatim)
4.) Everything Is Heltah Skeltah (Produced by ILL MIND)
5.) D.I.R.T. (Another Boot Camp Clik Yeah Song) (Produced by Khrysis)
6.) So Damn Tough f/Buckshot and Ruste Juxx (Produced by ILL MIND)
7.) WMD f/Smif N Wessun (Produced by M-Phazes)
8.) That’s Incredible (Produced by EZ Mo Bee)
9.) Ape Muzik f/ The Representativz (Produced by Stu Bangas)
10.) The Art of Disrespekanization (Produced by Khrysis)
11.) Hellz Kitchen (Produced by Evidence)
12.) Shmack Muzik (Produced by Sic Beats)
13.) Twinz (Produced by Ken Ring)
14.) Ruck N Roll (Produced by Stu Bangas)
I can't wait to hear this it's gonna be sick!!
until then...
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Questlove Air Forces
Hip Hop Album Sales: The Week Ending 7/27/2008
Hip Hop Album Sales: The Week Ending 7/27/2008
Lil Wayne is bumped down from #2 to #5, taking the backseat to Miley Cyrus, Sugarland, the Mama Mia soundtrack, and Kid Rock, respectively. But with total sales at 1,997,218 , Weezy is just on the horizon of double platinum with Tha Carter III [click to read]. After reigning supreme last week at #1 Nas' Untitled [click to read] holds down the #8 spot this week selling 63,200 this week. Rihanna's re-release of Good Girl Gone Bad comes in at #11 with 33,700 sold while Usher's Here I Stand [click to read] sells 23,500 and lands the #18 spot. Rounding out the Top 5 Hip Hop/ R&B artists is David Banner at #20. The Greatest Story Ever Told [click to read] sold 21,200 copies this week.
Top 200 Album Sales (Top 5 Hip Hop/R&B)
Rank | Artist | Album | This Week | Total |
5 | Lil Wayne | Tha Carter 3 | 85,166 | 1,997,218 |
8 | Nas | Untitled | 63,279 | 250,357 |
11 | Rihanna | Good Girl Gone Bad | 33,708 | 1,516,282 |
18 | Usher | Here I Stand | 23,590 | 930,231 |
20 | David Banner | The Greatest Story Ever Told | 21,212 | 73,114 |
Plies grabs the #27 spot with 17,100 copies of Definition of Real [click to read] sold this week. At #33 Three 6 Mafia's Last 2 Walk [click to read] sold 13,918 copies this week. Following right behind them with a deficit of only 37 CDs, G-Unit sold 13,881copies of Terminate On Sight [click to read], earning them the #34 spot. In the first full sales week since Rick Ross was exposed as a former corrections officer, the Miami "boss" dropped over 20 spots on the chart to #74 with Trilla [click to read] selling about 8,000 copies this week. Finally, Bronx rapper Hell Rell debuted Black Mask Black Gloves at #131 this week with just under 5,400 sold.
Other Notables
Rank | Artist | Album | This Week | Total |
27 | Plies | Definition of Real | 17,194 | 417,983 |
33 | Three 6 Mafia | Last 2 Walk | 13,918 | 170,753 |
34 | G-Unit | Terminate On Sight | 13,881 | 173,250 |
74 | Rick Ross | Trilla | 8,205 | 637,815 |
131 Hell Rell Black Mask Black Gloves 5,390 5,445
Will August heat up on the charts with new albums on the horizon from heavy-hitters like The Game, Ne-Yo and Nelly? Or will the youngins get schooled by new projects from Ice Cube and LL Cool J? Can femcee/ producer Missy Elliot come in for the sneak attack and shock the charts? Stay tuned as DX brings the play by play.
Lol at Hell Rell selling just over 5,000 there's gotta be dudes out there that sold more then that on just a mixtape.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
You ain't a Gangsta homie
What you mean Plies and Rick Ross aren't real gangsta's I would have never known.
Damn it's been a tough week or so for fake gangsta's. First there were the leaked shots of Rick Ross as a correctional officer when he was 19 and now TheSmokingGun website has declared that our beloved thug Plies is not the menace to society that he wants us to believe he is. Now I can't really comment on Plies too much because I haven't heard any of his songs (and may i say i feel all the more liberated for it) so I'm not sure exactly what he's been claiming but according to TSG he has only been in trouble with the law since he became a rapper. Now that's not to say he weren't out there in the streets doing his thing, I mean maybe he just never got caught but it's highly unlikely.
And the "biggest boss that you've seen thus far" was actually a babylon before he became a rapper/drug dealer.
Now i know rappers have a history of let's say over exagerrating there criminal past somewhat but surley we have to draw the line for dudes that are just straight up lying bastards.
This is like the Boondocks episodes with Gangstalicious and Thugnifficent or some shit. Matter of fact i might just have to post them up after this blog.
Let this be a lesson to you kids little white lies are one thing but straight fabrication of your past will only lead to humilation when your card eventually gets pulled. And in these days of internet gossip and infomation you're bound to be aired out on some website by someoen dying to expose yo fake ass so watch out!
Boondocks-the story of thugnificent
The Boondocks(Story of Gangstalicious)
Friday, 25 July 2008
And of course N.A.S are the letters that spell....
Nas & Give 620,000 Petitions to Fox News
Bill O'Reilly responds (i really hate this fuckin guy)
Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s Colbert Report coming at FOX
Nas Interview on Sirius Radio
Thursday, 10 July 2008
EMC - The Show Album
If you don't know already EMC consists of Masta Ace, Strickland, Punchline and Wordsworth (remember The Lyricist Lounge days anyone?) and if you are a die hard fan of real hip hop music then these names shouldn't be new to you at all.
Go and get this album the first chance you get trust me you won't be dissapointed.
The lyrics and beats fit together better then OJ's glove. This is hip hop that the purists can really get into.
Hip Hop Album Sales: Week Ending 7/6/08 (HipHopDX)
Lil Wayne is back on top this week as he sells 156,300 copies of Tha Carter III, putting him over the half ¾ mark to double platinum already. G-Unit's debut of Terminate On Sight grabbed the #4 spot with 101,600 sold. They were beaten out by albums from Coldplay and Camp Rock, respectively.
Usher's Here I Stand takes #8, while the re-release of Rihanna's Good Girl Gone Bad comes up one spot to #9 with 40,100 sold. Rounding out the Top 10 for Hip Hop/ R&B is Three 6 Mafia's Last 2 Walk at #11 which sold 37,100 copies this week.
*Click On Artist Name For Album Review*
Top 200 Album Sales (Top 5 Hip Hop/R&B)
Rank | Artist | Album | This Week | Total |
1 | Tha Carter 3 | 156,370 | 1,681,885 | |
4 | Terminate On Sight | 101,622 | 101,802 | |
8 | Here I Stand | 41,461 | 847,317 | |
10 | Good Girl Gone Bad | 40,166 | 1,394,188 | |
11 | Last 2 Walk | 42,893 | 114,013 |
Indie rapper Tech N9ne makes a surprise entrance at #12 with Killer selling 36,100 copies this week. Plies' Definition of Real still resides within the top 20 at #15 selling 30,700. Jim Jones and The Byrd Gang just barely managed to slip into the top 30 at #29 selling 17,100 copies of M.O.B this week. Rick Ross' Trilla grabs the #55 spot with 10,600 sold while The RZA tries to hold onto the Top 200 charts at #195 with Digi Snacks selling 3,200.
Other Notables
Rank | Artist | Album | This Week | Total |
12 | Tech N9ne | Killer | 36,199 | 36,244 |
15 | Definition Of Real | 30,732 | 356,204 | |
43 | Jim Jones & The Bird Gang | M.O.B. | 17,176 | 17,258 |
55 | Trilla | 10,653 | 609,381 | |
195 | RZA | Digi Snacks | 3,216 | 9,939 |
This week Killer Mike [click to read] declared his new album to be "classic." Will the charts reflect that? Will Nas' controversial new album live up to its hype? Stay tuned as DX brings the play by play.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Can i get an encore?
I came I saw I conquered from record sales to sold out concerts
Jay-Z silenced the haters (once again) with his performance at Glastonbury yesterday. After all the hype surrounding him headlining Jay-Z stepped onto the stage with a guitar and did a rendition of Oasis' wonderwall before launching into 99 problems. Would have loved to see Noel Gallagher's face at that moment, he got offically sonned as Jay went on to perform a medley of hits and showing why he is one of the greatest to ever do it.
Jay's song selection was pretty predictable although he did throw in a few little gems along the way. Right after the line in Blue Magic where he says "money over broads you got it fuck bush" he dropped the acapella for Minority Report of Kingdom Come and he also dropped his verse for A Billie which I wasn't expecting either. As always his performance of Nigga What, Nigga Who was impeccable although it probably went over people's heads abit.
I must say I didn't actually get a chance to watch the performance all the way through as i was sitting in a room full of Jay-Z haters at the time but from what I saw he did a solid show and was a good representative of hip hop culture.
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Tha Carter 3 Review
Ok so I've been listening to Tha Carter 3 for a couple of days now and I'm having trouble finding anything particularly amazing about it. Considering all the hype surrounding the record for me it could do either one of two things. 1)Be a certified classic solidfying Lil Wayne's claims as the best rapper alive or 2) be a complete flop and prove to many that he is not as good as he claims and overrated. It did neither of these things. As I listened more and more I still ended up with the same conclusion. All the tracks I had liked upon the first listen were still the ones I liked after a few more listens (Dr. Carter being the highlight). There weren't any songs that grew on me (Shoot me Down still sounds as boring as it did first time sorry Kanye) with exception maybe to "A Millie" which doesn't sound quite as generic as it did when I first heard it.
All in all this is just a ordinary album. Nothing particularly amazing about it yet not utterly terrible either. Wayne seems to be the kind of rapper you either love or hate and I struggled to come to some sort of conclusion on how I feel about him as an artist. While at times I can't doubt his ability on the mic he seems very inconsistent with it. Sometimes he spits sharp punchlines and cleverly put together rhymes and other times he can ramble incoherently about nothing.
Much like The Game's album The Documentary The Carter 3 is littered with star studded production from the likes of Just Blaze, Kanye West, Cool & Dre and Alchemist to name a few and as far as making the album that will place him among the top artists of today he has most certainly done that. We will just have to see how well it does sales wise to really judge the impact of it but as far as musically I think Weezy has done what he intended to do. Make a good album that people can bump right now but whether we will be playing it in a year or so is debatable.
highlights: Dr Carter, 3 Feet, A Millie, Nothin on Me (Fab & Juelz murder dis beat)
tracks to avoid: Phone Time, La La (who actually likes David Banner's beats?) Got Money
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Dipset Associate Wanted For Murder Of Teen (defsounds)
Dipset Associate Wanted For Murder Article
A Dipset associate known as Carlos "Zoo" Thompson has landed on America's Most Wanted list after he ordered a 15 year old child to be shot three years ago.
According to reports, Thompson (32) helped murder 15-year-old Phoenix Garrett after he spotted him selling bootleg CDs of Dipsets albums in Harlem, New York.
Thompson, who's best known as "Zoo," reportedly worked as ab "enforcer" for Dipset , travelling with them to gigs and parties, and "serving as muscle when they encountered enemies from other hip hop factions."
Cops say that on June 16th, 2005, while selling CDs on 144th St. in Harlem, NY, Garrett was approached by Carlos Thompson and a group of his cohorts. After being threatened by Thompson, Garrett reportedly attempted to defend himself by pulling out a box cutter and "slashing at the older man's face."
A brief struggle broke up ending up with Garrett being beat and stomped by Thompson and his crew. After Garrett managed to break away from the group, Thompson reportedly ordered a member of his crew to retrieve a .38 from his car.
The group eventually caught up with Garrett and continued the beating. Thompson then ordered a 13-year-old member of his crew, L'mani Delima, to shoot Garrett.
Garrett was fatally shot five times.
The 13-year-old was apprehended at the scene, he was sentenced to eight years in prison.
Cops are still on the hunt for Thompson who has evading them for nearly three years using funding which cops theorize comes from friends in the Hip Hop community
Saturday, 17 May 2008
MTV's Hottest MC's in the Game List
10. T.I.
9. Andre 3000
8. Young Jeezy
7. Lupe Fiasco
6. 50 Cent
5. Snoop Dogg
4. Rick Ross
3. Lil Wayne
2. Jay-Z
1. Kanye West
damn no Shawty Lo that's how you know they fucked up lol
nah for real this is some real shameful shit Snoop at #5 come on man. I love Snoop but dude does not deserve to make it onto any hottest mc list especially not nowadays 94 maybe yeah but now no way.
LA 108 Utah 105 - Game 6
Bryant scored 34 points, 12 in the fourth quarter, and Los Angeles held off a furious rally by the Utah Jazz for a 108-105 victory Friday night in Game 6, putting the Lakers in the Western Conference finals for the first time in four years.
It was the only win by the visiting team in the series and kept the Lakers from having to host a Game 7 on Monday.
"It's a big step for us,'' said Bryant, who also had eight rebounds and six assists. "It shows a lot of character on our part to come in here and come out of here with a victory".
Boston 69 Cleveland 74 - Game 6
Cleveland came up with a big win last night in Game 6 to tie the series 3-3.
Lebron James led the way with 32 points, 12 rebounds and 6 assists. He was only 9/23 from the field but scored an impressive 13/15 free throws.
Garnett was the high man for the Celtics with 25 points, Pierce had 16.
Now it's off to Boston for the final game in the series can the Cavs pull it off? If KG keeps playing the way he has it's gonna be real difficult.
Friday, 16 May 2008
Pain - Game ft Keisha Cole
really feeling this new 1 from Game. this guy has great admiration for those that came before him and you gotta respect that
MTV's Hottest MC's in the Game #8 Young Jeezy
The Snowman makes the cut with a heap of guest appearances and the promise of a new album.
By Shaheem Reid
In summer 2007, the MTV News Hip-Hop Brain Trust sat down and had another controversial roundtable debate. Unlike previous discussions, the trustees devised a list of not the greatest ever, but the Hottest MCs in the Game right then. The rankings were based on lyrics, flow, impact on the game, success and swagger.
The roundtable recently reconvened and came up with a brand-new list of Hottest MCs. Our experts used the same criteria, but only judged on the past year of hip-hop. Check back to see the whole list right after the show on Friday night! "The Hottest MCs in the Game" airs on MTV Friday at 10 p.m. ET.
Flame Thrower: Young Jeezy
Why He's Hot
He can dominate the show on a posse cut with some of his most mic-savvy peers, then successfully facilitate requests from mainstream mainstays like Mariah Carey and Usher, who call him to sanctify their #1 albums and songs with his seamless street swagger. Young Jeezy is at his pinnacle. Don't misconstrue the ranking: He's #8 with a bullet. We fully expect the Atlanta hustler to rank higher next time. After the release of USDA's LP Cold Summer in mid-2007, Mr. 17.5 shut down publicly to work on his top-secret third album and "count all that money."
Even with a break, the 'hood's loyalty toward him has remained, and when he re-emerged on records like Shawty Lo's "Dey Know" remix and Rick Ross' "Luxury Tax," it was evident he was setting himself up for a run at the crown. His placements of late — the actual songs he's chosen to get on — have been flawless, ranging from chart hits to club anthems. The Snowman's rhyme-dispensing on these records has also been stellar. He's improving as a lyricist, and he has so much swag that you can tell he's inspired a whole brood of new southern MCs to bite his style.
Apathetic to his clones, Jeezy is ready to go all the way over the top with it on his next album. Three years since the release of his classic Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101, he feels that the experience he has under his belt has made him a better artist. Not a hustler who raps, but an artist. Young is dedicated to his craft, as his new collaboration with Kanye West, "Put On," proves. Don't pack your heavy coat away yet. The Snowman will keep the summer on frio.
Co-Signer: Kanye West
"When I say good rap voice, that's Jeezy. ... When he hears the track, his voice is so signature, he can just say whatever he wants. But then he don't even just say what he wants. He was one of the people post-Andre 3000 to gain that respect for the South lyrically — Wayne, T.I. and Jeezy — post-Scarface and 3000 and Trick Daddy, that era of rappers.
Me and Jeezy are the exact same artist except from a different place. I'm inspirational, he's motivational. The lyrics push you to do something in a way. My thing is maybe there is some hope, maybe there's some light at the end of the tunnel. 'Keep your head to the sky' type sh--. His thing is, if there ain't no light at the end of the tunnel, dig your way through it. Get up and do something about it."
Blistering Ballistics
"This n---a's insane, yeah a straight fool/ A half-a-million-dollar car and some house shoes/ Call the dealership, like why y'all trick me?/ Then why the hell you put my engine where my trunk be?/ I'm throwing Franklins, I don't need ones/ I smoke a pound every week like I don't need lungs/ ... I said I'm so hot, but my house cool/ So many rooms it looks like a high school."
Hot Streak
Selected Mixtapes
Street Bangers
"Put On" (featuring Kanye West)
Key Guest Appearances
Usher's "Love in This Club," Rick Ross' "Luxury Tax," Mariah Carey's "Side Effect," Rocko's "Umma Do Me" remix, Shawty Lo's "Dey Know" remix, DJ Khaled's "Brown Paper Bag"
Business Ventures
8732 clothing line, the self-titled debut of Blood Raw on Jeezy's CTE label
The 2008 version of "Hottest MCs in the Game" airs Friday, May 16, on MTV at 10 p.m.
In case you didn't know T.I. was #10 and Andre 3000 is #9
There's no point in even debating these MTV lists anymore it's clear to anyone that knows anything about rap that it's total bullshit. Don't tell me Lil Wayne is gonna be no 1 again with maybe Kanye and Lupe 2 & 3 with 50 or Game somewhere in the mix.
All i know is Im tired of so called "industry people" tyring to tell us what's hot when in truth they haven't got a fuckin clue.
So stay tuned people im gonna do the real hottest in the game list and do it right.
Futhermore the title "hottest in the game" is officially dead. The people don't dictate who's poppin now they let hot 97 do it for them. Not since Jay-z took over the game in the late 1990's, Eminem blowing up and resurrecting Dre's career (who then resurrected Snoop's) or 50 Cent locking down the game in 03 has anyone been the "hottest right now" so that title has got to go.
This time we gon do it right y'all feel me
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Playoff Round Up
David West had career playoff highs of 38 points, 14 rebounds and five blocked shots, lifting New Orleans to a 101-79 victory over the San Antonio Spurs on Tuesday night and a 3-2 series lead.
Kevin Garnett had 26 points and 16 rebounds, and Rajon Rondo added 20 points and 13 assists as the Celtics beat the Cavaliers 96-89 on Wednesday night to move within a win of the Eastern Conference finals
Bryant scored 26 points, his teammates kept Utah at bay down the stretch, and Los Angeles Lakers extended the stunning home success by NBA teams in the second round of the playoffs, beating the Jazz 111-104 on Wednesday night to take a 3-2 lead in the Western Conference semifinals
Detroit set an NBA playoff record with just three turnovers and made just enough shots and stops to advance to their sixth straight Eastern Conference final with a 91-86 win Tuesday night over the Orlando Magic in Game 5 of the second-round series.
Richard Hamilton scored 31 points, made victory-sealing free throws late in the game and Tayshaun Prince had a key block to help Detroit eliminate Orlando.
The Pistons are the first franchise to play in six conference finals in a row since the Los Angeles Lakers went to eight straight in the 1980s.
"Now we expect to do this," Hamilton said. "We're supposed to be here."
So the way it's lookin it could be a Detroit vs Boston Eastern Conference final but I wouldn't count Lebron or the Cavs out just yet.
Same way in the West it's lookin like it's gonna be LA vs New Orleans in the final but you never can tell
That's what I love about the playoffs nothing is certain and no team is lookin totally unstoppable either (unlike the Spurs last year) so it's gonna be real interesting. Im hoping for a New Orleans vs Detroit final.
Chris Paul has definately been my favourite player this season and really he should've got MVP but still can't hate on Kobe for gettin it (unless you're Shaq) and Lebron James is still THAT dude really hope the Cavs can take out Boston but they gotta beat them at home.
Friday, 18 April 2008
Hold it Down - Buckshot & 9th Wonder f/ Talib Kweli
Real Hip Hop. 9th wonder cooks up another banger while Buckshot and Kweli drop gems.
Go buy the album "The Formula" on the 29th April
Akon's Con Job
The website Smoking Gun has revealed that AKon is not quite the "konvict" he makes out to be.
Very interesting read click here
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
My letter to Ms Alicia Keys
Dear Alicia
Firstly I would like to say I admire you greatly for your bravery in attempting to tackle the negative misconceptions placed upon rap artists and to even suggest that they may be more to Tupac and Biggie's story then the media wants us to know(if an interviewer of a magazine labeled The Notorious B.I.G as a "gangsta rapper" I may have reacted in the same way you did by saying that he was assassinated).
My advice to you however would be to think very carefully about who you say these kind of things to. It looks to me like Blender Magazine have tried to take various comments you made and make you look a little crazy for saying them. I think if you want to be fairly reported on you need to talk to people such as hip hop activist Davey D or Cedric Muhammad as your story will be fully told and not misquoted or taken out of context in any way.
Cedric Muhammad wrote many intriquing articles entitled "hip hop cointelpro" to further investigate claims that hip hop is being monitored by government agencies and even in some cases infiltrated with intent on damaging the image and messages of rap artists and to try and connect hip hop labels to crime and drug activity.
He talks about how Sean Puffy Combs and The Notorious B.I.G. were being followed by the F.B.I. in the weeks leading up to Biggie's death. How Rap-A-Lot records president James Prince was under invsetigation along with rapper Scarface. How the Wu-Tang Clan were the victims of slanderous attempts to connect them with organzied crime in Staten Island. If you have not read any of these I would suggest you do they can be found on davey d's website
I would also advise you to think seriously about how this may affect your career and ultimately your livehood if you want to talk about these things. You will be reported on fradulently by the media and made to look like you don't know what you are talking about or that you are just plain crazy (note how when describing your trip to Egypt they said you went there"in a maneuver reminiscent of Dave Chappelle", they tried to make Chapelle look crazy for going to Africa watch out!)
If you haven't already talk to artists such as Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Dead Prez & Immortal Technique and see what they have to say about all of this.
You have alot of influence and that is something that can be a double edge sword. You will come under intense scrutiny and attempts to discredit what you are saying will be frequent. False stories may be printed about you to try and turn the opinions of your fanbase against you. Be weary of all of this
May I wish you success in your attempt of your quest to become more conscious and political in your music just know that they will try and destroy you because of it.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Diggin in the crates: Old hip hop is so much better
One of the most slept on classics in the Wu catalogue. Cappadonna "sling raps like crack on the street" and if you ever doubted his ability on the mic this album should leave no doubt as to his skills. Every track on this album is worth a listen and with help from his Wu brethren on tracks like "Super Ninjaz" with U-God (who delivers one of his best verses ever) & Method Man, "Oh Donna" which sees him and Ghostface sling darts back and forth & "Dart Throwin" featuring Raekwon & Tical once more where Cappadonna preaches "I opened up my rap Bible then the light came over the children". And of course not forgettin the incredible "Run" which still sounds as hot as it did when it came out. Donna crafts a grimy album his unique rap style suits the beats perfectly and he drops gems throughout nothing more you could really ask for.
Snoop Dogg - The Last Meal (2000)
Oh my days listening to this last night brought back some memories. Snoop D O Double G was officially back on the map with this one. So many bangers "Hennesy & Budah", "True Lies", "Go Away", "Stacey Adams" all oozing that vintage Snoop flava that only he can bring. Like most Snoop albums (cluttered with maybe one two many tracks) it has skippable moments but they are kept to a minimum on this release (unlike Blue Carpet Treatment damn that was some forgettable shit) and Snoop's swagger carries him through any moments of lack luster lyricism that may occur. And when Snoop finally does decide to call it a day and put the mic down tracks like "Y'all gone miss me" are gonna be gettin heavy spins in my player for the simple fact that there will only ever be one Snoop Dogg.
Sticky Fingaz - Black Trash:The Autobiography of Kirk Jones (2003)
Back in the day I wanted a copy of this album so bad it was ridiculous. For whatever reason (probably money) I didn't get to listen to it till a few years after but boy was it worth the wait. This album is probably the greatest rap concept album of all time. During this album Sticky talks to God, raps as if he were the almighty dollar, explains that his dogs are like his guns, imagines he was white while also finding time to get personal on tracks like "Baby Brother" & "Sister I'm sorry" all in one album.
One of the highlights of the album "The State VS Kirk Jones" sees Rah Digga as the judge and Cannabis and Redman cross examining witness' on the stand (one of whom is Superb) the result pure entertainment. If you're a fan of story telling and great wit and sense of humor then this is the album for you. Don't be an idiot like me and not buy it beacause of money issues beg borrow steal download whatever you have to do to get a copy of this album DO IT NOW. Then when you got the cheddar go and buy it I still plan to.
Cam'ron - Confessions of Fire (1998)
Yo do not be put off by the album cover Cam'ron was on top form when he dropped this creating some of his best work still to this day. "357" is still the best Cam track ever and tracks like "Glory" and "Death" sill hit hard and show killa Cam at his peak on the mic. I forgot how dope this guy was at one time the only let down is this album does have alot of filler but when the shit is fire it is off the chain. Like the song "D Rugs" where Cam talks of drugs as if it were a person. And for any haters that claim he can't spit the last track on the album is dedicated to them personally with the brilliant "Who's Nice" where he drops gems like "Im to the point like Stoudamire" and "Now we eat at houlihans's /seen Ed Lover and Doctor Dre /we told them niggas Who the Man". Harlem world at it's finest
Friday, 11 April 2008 exposes Chuck Philips' bullshit
Recently the website smoking gun exposed how fradulent Chuck Philip's recent article about the shooting of Tupac at the Quad Recording studio in 1994 really was.
click here to read article
at least someone is still doing their job as a journalist
Monday, 7 April 2008
The Death of the Rap Superstar

If you are what you say you are a Superstar you have no fear - Lupe Fiasco
The other night I sat back and watched the legendary "Up in Smoke Tour" featuring the all star line up of Ice Cube, Eminem, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre accompanied by artists like Mc Ren, Xzibit, D12, Nate Dogg, Kurupt & Devin the Dude among others. Apart from the fact that while watching it I had a great feeling of nostalgia (im 23 now so when i first bought this in 2000 i was 15 years old!) I also thought to myself will we ever see rap stars of this magnitude ever again? My answer is no and this is why
Run DMC, Public Enemy, KRS-One, LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, Slick Rick, Eric B & Rakim, A Tribe called Quest, De la Soul, N.W.A, Ice T, Geto Boys, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Nas, Jay-Z, Notorious B.I.G, Tupac Shakur, Busta Rhymes, Eminem, 50 Cent...etc
All of the above are rap superstars and artists that for better or worse changed the game of hip hop and music in general. Some did it with just one album (Nas' Illmatic) others did it without any mainstream radio or TV exposure (Ice T) and others did it by becoming immortalized legends due to their early passing (Tupac & Biggie) but all are definately superstars in their own right and I can honestly say that other then 50 Cent & T.I. no rappers today have even come close to reaching this type of legendary status.
If you were to make a list of the current rap stars today the list may look something like this:
Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, Young Jeezy, Juelz Santana, Fabolous, Yung Joc, The Game, Gucci Mane, Ludacris, Kayne West, 50 Cent, T.I.... dammit i just lost the will to live
now other then maybe Luda, Kanye, 50 & T.I. none of these rappers today seem to have any superstar qualities to them. The underground is just the same (if not worse) I'm sorry but rappers like Brother Ali, Slug, Sha Stimuli, Copywrite & R.A. The Rugged man are stuck trying to make hip hop from a certain era (early 90's) and not doing a very good job of it. Im not saying these rappers are whack they just bore me. I'd rather listen to Jay-Z's American Gangster then Brother Ali's The Truth any day of the week but that's just me. That's why I will still listen to music from artists like Jay-Z and Snoop and even 50 Cent to some exent because they are SUPERSTARS. There are reasons why they became larger then life and personas you could either love or hate, they have an appeal that goes beyond being a great rapper or a great artist they have CHARACTER which is what alot of these rappers today lack.
Rappers like Joe Budden & Cassidy have mic skills that are underniable but yet lack the qualities that made rappers like Big Daddy Kane & KRS so appealing to begin with.
Lupe Fiasco is another one. While no one can doubt the dude has talent what does he really say in his raps that makes you want to change the whole way you was living and switch ya stlye up. When I first got into rap it was rappers like Redman, Method Man, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Tupac & Biggie that made my say FUCK IT THIS IS MY SHIT!! I need this in my life this shit speaks to me so personally and makes me feel passionately about it.
Maybe it's the general state that hip hop is in that allows it to keep certain rappers from even being heard the same way they were (Dead Prez could have been as big as Public Enemy had they come out at a different time) that stops us from seeing any real rappers we can truly relate to at the forefront.
I mean since when was conscious hip hop Lupe & Kanye? Im sorry but their shit is very watered down and made for every day people which is all well and good but it's not going to make you change your attitude toward anything or open your mind up to some next shit like say a Brand Nubian record would. The lack of balance and diversity in subject matter in mainstream hip hop has led to this chaos where rappers who aren't even that conscious get labeled that just because they are not rapping about bitches, guns and money. When NWA and Ice T came with their brand of rap it was different & unique plus they were being censored out the arse but now you've got Young Jeezy slinging packs on the radio and it's okay? Gangsta rap ain't even that no more it's become commercial. But less than 15 years ago they were trying to ban it. I guess they realised they was more money to be made by secretly supporting it and making it florish while pertraying it as bad music to the public(which let's face it did more harm then good) then actually trying to fight against it even C Delores Tucker knew that.
When Eminem dropped The Marshall Mathers album every and I mean every hip hop head under the sun was fucking amped. Before Stan became annoying and before The Real Slim Shady had being played to death I remember the hysteria that gripped me and my friends at school when we the heard that shit. And even though Eminem was selling millions of records it was still raw hip hop and it still spoke to us a way that the stuff out now doesn't. (Somehow I don't think people are talking about Graduation quite the same way as when The Chronic 2001 dropped but heh maybe that's just me)
What we have now I'm afraid are overrated rappers, broke disgruntled has beens and dudes that really should just quit rapping because if you haven't broken through and you've been rapping for 15 years you really need to put it to rest (UPS is hiring!!)
So please may we have a standing ovation for the last rap superstars of our generation and hope to god that we may have some future rap superstars out there in the world somewhwere that just haven't been heard yet.
Luckily I know a few personally so Im good
Peace out y'all another rant about the game done and dusted im gonna watch Wrestlemania
Monday, 31 March 2008
Prodigy is a Moron
Found this amusing blog about Prodigy thought i'd share it
Aside from the usual banning of retards, I mostly just report the news here on Defsounds...I might comment here and there but not too often--so I decided to post one blog a day with my latest thoughts on our favorite past time..Hip Hop. I mean..if Prodigy can blog ...why the hell can't I?
Speaking of Prodigy, does anyone have any respect for this guy anymore? better yet does anyone care about what he has to say? Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big Mobb Deep fan, Shook Ones part 2, Get Away, Burn, etc, they have some great work but Prodigy is a fucking moron.
So here's my top 10 Reasons why Prodigy should shut the fuck up.
10. It's 2008...the last time you were semi relevant and had some heat was in 2004 with Amerikaz Nightmare. You said rapping isn't for everyone...well lil fella, rapping isn't a lifetime career either.
9. You're just not hot without Havoc...Alchemist is cool and you put out some semi-ok work with him, but stick to the winning're awful solo.
8. You thought putting out an album in bagillion languages would be cutting edge enough to get sales. I took a chance and listened to the Spanish version of HNIC2, when I was done I called cablevision up and had them remove telemundo from my lineup--thanks to you I now hate Spanish people.
7. You named Lupe Fiasco and Saigon amongst your list of wack rappers. Now I'm not the biggest fan of either of those rappers, but they're skills on the mic are blatant. There's a difference between having an opinion and just talking shit.
6. You let a muscly midget perform on stage with you then proceed to punch you and run out the club unharmed. You can't keep claiming you're a gangsta after that. Saigon got a clean shot on you and you're still talking shit.
5. You have a blog. Gangsta's don't keep blogs...You're gonna update your blog from prison...with what?..WTF would be so interesting happening in prison that you have to inform your 2 fans? Havoc and Alchemist have better things to do than to read how Charlie from Cellblock F almost dropped the soap.
4. You type in all caps and use alot of exclamation points like you're really excited to be on the computer. You're a grown ass man, only teenage emo girls on myspace type in all caps. THIS AINT GANGSTA!!!!
3. Seriously, I can't get over this typing in all caps thing--it's like he doesn't know you can turn off capslock, check out this amazing excerpt from his latest blog entry.
It's like he literally just discovered the wonders of the internets and all of the sudden he's an expert.
#2. You say you don't wear jewelry anymore cause everyone's doing it when in actuality you don't wear jewelry cause your ass keeps getting stuck up for it.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Davey D VS Fox News
This is a recent confrontation I had with the fake journalists over at Fox News which has been rapidly sinking in the ratings... Good thing I recorded the entire incident because when they ran it on the Bill O'Reilly show they conveniently left out my questions.
Here's what really went down: This reporter named Griff Jenkins crashed the Take Back America Conference in Washington DC and was on a mission to stir up trouble by attacking people like Reverend Jesse Jackson.who was on hand to give a presentation about the 5 year anniversary of the War in Iraq. Jenkins had earlier confronted Jackson in an ambush type of manner and berated him with questions about Reverend Jeremiah Wright who is the pastor to Senator Barack Obama. They wanted Jackson to dis him.
For those who don't know, what's been happening is that the 'Faux' News family have been on a mission to try and pull down and derail the presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama. Thus far they've used every trick in the book and thus far nothing has worked. Their latest gimmick has been to show his Pastor of 20 years in a bad light and then try to associate Senator Obama with the smear job they did on his Pastor.
When Jackson attempted to answer they would cut him off and ask a bunch of more questions. Jackson got away from them and did his presentation. After the speech, Jenkins and his cameraman got on stage, pushed their way past the conference attendees and other reporters who had been waiting patiently to talk to Jackson. Again the Fox News crew started loudly berating Jackson about the Pastor's 7 year old remarks. Jenkins loudly demanded that Jackson publicly dis-avow Pastor Wright for the remarks he made about 9-11. Jesse refused and answered Jenkins in a calm manner. Jenkins wasn't satisfied and once again he loudly berated Jackson.I decided enough was enough and stepped in to flip the script by interviewing Jenkins.
Here's some things to keep in mind as you watch the slickly edited video by Fox which was shown on the O'Reilly Factor and the audio which I recorded.
1-Note how Fox News left out my questions when they showed the clip on O'Reilly. Both the Fox Reporter and myself were recording at the same time.
2-Note that Barack Obama had not delivered his speech on race and politics. He was scheduled to speak on that topic as well as the remarks made by his Pastor within a half hour of this incident. Everyone was rushing to find a TV to see the speech.
Instead of waiting to see what Senator Obama had to say, Fox News tried to kick up dust and then make it seem like what we were watching occurred in the aftermath of Obama's speech
3-On the stage and in attendance at Take Back America were people of all races. Everybody got along-there was no race baiting. The only race baiting that went on that day came from Fox News.
4-Fox News got the hell out of dodge after the incident. They were shook up big time, when the same intrusive tactics were used on them. Notice how Jenkins tells me to stop harassing him and demands to know who I am. Funny how he didn't afford anyone else the same courtesy.
5-Here's the biggest irony.. after the speech the Fox Reporter Griff Jenkins was raving about how brilliant Barack Obama's speech was. Funny how he didn't put those glowing remarks on the air.
6-Fox News didn't identify me in the clip even though I have been on that network at least half a dozen times. What's even crazier is the O'Reilly Factor has attempted to get me on their show several occasions. Funny how they forgot to ID me during the newscast.
My guess is that they would have to note that Davey D is a reporter who writes for the San Jose Mercury News and has syndicated talk show that airs in several markets daily. That would've legitimized me in the eyes of those who may have been led to believe that I was a race-baiting lunatic. In other words Fox News was reaching for straws and had to resort to misleading folks..By acknowledging my press status then Fox News would've been made to look even more like blithering idiots. The funny thing is that many people did recognize me due to the fact that I am frequently on other networks and in documentaries.
ani's note:
*The video here is from Fox News, where Davey D is shown demanding Griff Jenkins to answer a question. Faux News conveniently edited out the question Davey D wanted answered
*The audio underneath is Davey D's full mp3 recording of the entire event Nothing was edited, you pick who the real journalist is in this situation...
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